RockIt Summer Basketball League
Richmond’s premier summer high school league. The best way to stay “game ready” for the upcoming JV & Varsity high school season.
Girls Varsity Division
Rising 8th-12th Grades
Boys JV Division
Rising 8th-10th Grades
Boys Varsity Division
Rising 9th-12th Grades
There will be both A & B divisions to create the most competitive matchups.
2 games per week/8 games guaranteed
No conflicts with VHSL “dead periods” or NCAA live periods
Games played on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, 5-9PM — teams will play 2 of these 3 days
Week 1: June 18-20
** 2 weeks off for VHSL Dead Period/July 4th **
Week 2: July 7-9
Week 3: July 14-16
Week 4: July 21-23
Games held at RockIt Sports (3001 E Parham Rd, Henrico, VA)
$3 game admission payable at the door - cash, Venmo or Cashapp
Full schedule released by June 10th
Teams provide their own jerseys
Questions? mmurrer@rockitsports.net
Registration Options:
Team Registration Paid by coach
Teams organized and led by a coach not affiliated with RockIt
Cost $500 to be paid by the coach
Players should check with your coach to confirm roster position. RockIt does not manage team rosters.
Coaches should contact Matt Murrer (mmurrer@rockitsports.net) to arrange payment by credit card or check. Checks must be received before the first game.
Team Registration Paid by Individual Players
Teams organized and led by a coach not affiliated with RockIt
Players should check with your coach to confirm roster position. RockIt does not manage team rosters.
Once roster position is confirmed, register as an individual player and list your team name at registration. Cost is $60/player.