League Rules
Playing Rules
• Games will consist of two (2) twenty-minute halves. It will be a running clock except for the last two minutes of each half…at which point the clock stops on every dead ball. The clock also stops for time outs and shooting fouls (*clock stops when the whistle blows…but will be restarted when the ball is handed to the player for his/her second foul shot).
• Each team will be allowed two (2) thirty-second timeouts per half. One additional timeout will be awarded to each team per overtime period. Any timeouts remaining from regulation may be used during overtime.
• Any player assessed five (5) fouls will foul out of the game. A technical foul shall count as an individual and as a team foul.
• Two foul shots will be awarded after the seventh team foul in a half. Second-half team fouls will carry over into overtime.
• First overtime will be 1 minute, stopped clock on ref whistle. Second overtime will be sudden death…first team to score, wins.
• Full court press is allowed…EXCEPT for MITE & ROOKIE DIVISIONS (no press for the entire game).
• Any defense is allowed…EXCEPT for MITE & ROOKIE DIVISIONS (man-to-man defense required.)
• MERCY RULE: If a team is leading by 25+ points, the clock will run continuously and no press allowed.
• High School Rules are followed except as modified by RockIt Basketball (see above).
Additional Rules for All Divisions
• Home Team will provide a scorebook keeper. Scorebooks will be provided by RockIt at the scorer’s table at all game locations.
• At the conclusion of each game, the final score should be recorded in the ROCKIT NOTEBOOK provided at the scorer’s table. Coaches - please input the final score into your Team Snap as well.
• Persons sitting at the scorer’s table are expected to be professional and courteous! A technical foul shall be assessed, if necessary.
• The Home Team will wear white.
• The Visiting Team will wear blue.
Uniform Rules
• Players must wear the RockIt reversible jersey. Jerseys must be tucked in. Violations may result in a technical foul.
• Only Exception: AAU teams that have organizational issued uniforms can wear their own gear. Every AAU player on their designated team must wear the same uniform.
Playing Time and Substitutions
• For outside teams, playing time, and substitutions are determined by your coach.
• For RockIt members playing on RockIt Free Agent teams, playing time should be equally distributed amongst all players for the first 35 minutes of the game. The last 5 minutes will be determined by the coach. If you have issues or concerns, please direct your complaints to Lisa Woodson, League Director.
• Only 2 coaches allowed on the bench
• Only one coach is permitted to stand during the game. Any other coach must remain seated, except during timeouts. The first violation of this rule will result in a warning. The second violation of this rule will result in a technical foul.
• Head Coaches are required to record the final score at the scorer’s table. Division scores and standings will be updated once all scores from that Division are received.
• All coaches are responsible for the actions of their players, assistant coaches, and parents. League Director will address any complaints or concerns.